Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Running - John Piper Sermon Jam

Come All Who Are Thirsty - Sermon Jam

Come and Know Me - Joshua Kehler Sermon Jam

Look at the Birds - Scripture Jam

Desperation - Mackey Hironaka Sermon Jam

Fighting For Joy - John Piper Sermon Jam

See His Beauty - John Piper Sermon Jam

More Loved Than You Imagine - John Piper Sermon Jam

Can a Mother Forget - Tim Keller Sermon Jam

Friday, March 18, 2016

Message of the Silent Years - J Vernon McGee - FULL Sunday Sermons

Changing Bitter Waters To Sweet, Exodus 15 - J Vernon McGee - FULL Sunday Sermons

A Fresh Baptism of the Holy Spirit - David Wilkerson

L’immersion dans le Saint-Esprit - Derek Prince

Nous allons aujourd’hui aborder le sujet du baptême dans le Saint-Esprit à travers ce message intitulé ‘l’immersion dans le Saint-Esprit’ de la série d’enseignements ‘Poser les fondations’. Ce thème est souvent un sujet de discussion controversé dans les différentes dénominations chrétiennes et Derek Prince nous guide dans cette étude de façon exacte et minutieuse selon la Bible.

Derek Prince (1915-2003) a fait ses études à Eton et à Cambridge, puis il a rempli la fonction de professeur de philosophie à Cambridge de 1940 à 1949. Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, sa vie fut transformée lors d’une rencontre personnelle avec Jésus-Christ. Il est reconnu aujourd’hui comme l’un des principaux enseignants de la Bible de notre époque.

French Language-At the End of TimeFr- Derek Prince

Invisible Barriers to Healing

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Mark Dever: "The Day of the Lord" (1 Thessalonians 4:13–5:11)

Don Carson: "The Lord Is There" (Ezekiel 40–48)

March 6, 2016 - Carter Conlon - Evil Is At The Gate

Aaron Ivey on Why It's Important to Express the Glory of Jesus in New and Creative Ways

Russell Moore on Spiritual Warfare

Don Carson on the Ground of Our Assurance

 TGC’s president, Don Carson.

Full sermon:

A Biblical Theology of Revival - Tim Keller (TGC13 Workshop)

What Role Should the Bible Have in Society? (Tim Keller, Alister McGrath, Brian McLaren)

The Supremacy of Christ (Sermon Jam) - John Piper

God In Control John Piper

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Tim Keller - Real Passion

Image result for Tim Keller


Robert George - Natural Law, God, and Human Dignity

Natural law theorists believe that since all humans are made in the image of God, every person possesses irreducible capacities for rationality, freedom, and moral discernment. Natural law theorists argue that these shared natural capacities can function as a common language between Christians and non-Christians as all of us try to make sense of life's most difficult questions.

This lecture was given as part of the Gospel & Culture Lecture series featuring Robert George. Robert George is McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University. He has served on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and the President's Council on Bioethics. He was a Judicial Fellow at the Supreme Court of the United States, where he received the Justice Tom C. Clark Award.

Leo Schuster - Priestly Work

In the Old Testament, the priests had a specific and privileged function. God appointed them to be the mediators between God and His people. The New Testament, however, teaches that all Christians are called to be priests. When we apply this to our work, it means three things. First, we have a deep purpose for our work because we can worship God through our work. Second, we assume a humble posture, thinking not of ourselves but how we can serve others in our workplaces. Lastly, we consider our work a high privilege since we were called to our vocations by God.

Os Guinness - Challenging the Darkness: Towards a New Christian Renaissance

As we discuss how the church can engage an increasingly post-Christian culture in the west, it is helpful to take a step back from our own times and historically examine how Christianity has dealt with cultures that seemed implacably opposed to it. Christianity was never expected to convert the Roman empire; nor was it expected to convert the barbarian tribes after Rome fell. Yet, it both cases it succeeded despite the odds. Similarly today, Christians must hold onto hope for a revival in the modern west.

This lecture was given as part of the Gospel & Culture Lecture series featuring Os Guinness. Os Guinness is an author and social critic. Great-great grandson of Arthur Guinness, the Dublin brewer, he was born in China in World War Two where his parents were medical missionaries. A witness to the climax of the Chinese revolution in 1949, he was expelled with many other foreigners in 1951 and returned to Europe where he was educated in England.

Jeff Van Duzer - Why Business Matters to God

Too often Christian businesspeople think that their work's sole purpose is to generate money that they can donate to more "spiritual" causes. But what about business itself? Does God care about that? The Bible teaches that before the fall—in God's perfect creation—humans were called to work. Since God created people to work, God desires businesses to provide opportunities for individuals to express their God-given identity in meaningful and creative work. In this paradigm, profit ceases to be an end in itself. Instead, profit becomes the means by which a business produces goods and services which enables a community's flourishing.

This lecture was given as part of the Gospel & Culture Lecture series featuring Jeff Van Duzer. Jeff Van Duzer is in his tenth year as the Dean of the School of Business and Economics at Seattle Pacific University. He is the author of Why Business Matters to God, and his areas of research include the ethics of wealth creation and distribution and the applied integration of business and theology.

N.T. Wright - After you Believe: Why Christian Character Matters

What does eschatology have to do with ethics? What does the new heaven and the new earth have to do with the world in which we live now? Ultimately, it means that love is not our duty but our destiny. Through God's grace in our lives, Christians strive to develop habits and character which build them up into the people that God originally created them to be. Christians are not called to merely pray a prayer and forget the rest. Instead, we are called to be a royal priesthood, bringing God's love and royal stewardship into the new world that God is creating.

This lecture was given as part of the Gospel & Culture Lecture series featuring Dr. N. T. Wright. A leading scholar in New Testament studies and the mission of the church (authoring over 40 books), Dr. Wright is a significant voice in bridging theology and practice. In this lecture he discusses his newest book, After You Believe, the third in a series following Simply Christian, and Surprised by Hope.

Tim Keller: Where Imagination & Innovation Meet

“Reason is the natural organ of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning. Imagination, producing new metaphors or revivifying old, is not the cause of truth, but its condition.” - C.S. Lewis

If imagination is the organ of meaning, and if God orients our imagination, then the gospel offers a creative advantage when it comes to bringing meaning to our work. But what state must our imaginations be in to spark innovation? And what’s the best fuel to keep our imagination running? Tim Keller walks us through how the hope of the gospel is not only the source of our imagination, but the fuel and anchor we need to drive our imagination into innovative terrain.

Timothy Keller is the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City and the author of such New York Times bestselling books as The Reason for God and The Prodigal God. He is also Chairman of Redeemer City to City, which has helped start over 250 churches in global cities worldwide. He lives in New York City with his wife Kathy.

(Workshop) Tim Keller: "Preaching to the Heart"

Tim Keller | Our Identity: The Christian Alternative to Late Modernity's Story (11/11/2015)

Real Security and the Call of God – Timothy Keller [Sermon]

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Legendary Christian Message "Ten Shekels and a Shirt" Paris Reidhead

Art Katz MUST HEAR SERMON "The Purpose of the Church in the Great Tribulation" 4345819

Art Katz: The Agony and Ecstasy of Paul in Romans 9-11

The Agony and Ecstasy of Paul

Art makes the point that anyone who takes up Paul's burden for the Jew

in Romans chapters 9-11 will make himself a candidate not only for the
sufferings of Christ, but also the glories the follow.Of Romans 9-11 Art says, " It is the subject of THE MYSTERY OF ISRAEL AND THE CHURCH." Message given in 2004 in Singapore. Art Katz was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1929 of Jewish parents. Raised through the depression years and turbulence of World War II, and inducted into Marxist and existentialist ideologies, as well as merchant marine and military experiences, Art was brought to a final moral crisis as a high school teacher—able to raise, but not able to answer the groaning perplexities of the modern age. 

During a leave of absence and on a hitch-hiking odyssey through Europe and the Middle East, the cynical and unbelieving atheist, vehement anti-religionist and anti-Christian was radically apprehended by a God who was actively seeking him. The actual journal of that experience, Ben Israel -- Odyssey of a Modern Jew, recounts his quest for the true meaning to life, which climaxed significantly and symbolically in Jerusalem.

Art attended Santa Monica City College, UCLA, and the University of California at Berkeley, earning Bachelor and Masters degrees in history, as well as a Masters degree in theology at Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN. With his speaking ministry spanning nearly forty years, Art sought to bring the radical relevance of the Bible's message to contemporary societies, both secular and religious. With several of his books translated into major foreign languages, Art traveled frequently and widely as a conference speaker and prophetic voice for the church until his death in 2007. Art is survived by Inger, his wife of 41 years, their 3 children and 6 grandchildren.

The powerful theme that remained constant throughout Art's many years of ministry was unquestionably the centrality of the Cross of Christ. It permeated his words with such an authority and anointing that one could honestly say he preached "nothing but Christ and Him crucified" -- even though the subject matter may not have made any reference to the Cross at all. This may have been Art's greatest gift to the Church, namely, his refusal to know anything but a crucified Christ. It is no coincidence that the message most listened to and considered the best from Art's quiver is entitled "And They Crucified Him" -- (See audio message: K-156 or click here)

Art portrayed a knowledge of God that few in contemporary times have fathomed or understood. Whether the subject was the future, necessary death and resurrection of the nation Israel, or Paul's teaching on widows and slaves in the congregation, Art strived to represent "God as He in fact is, and not as we think Him to be." 

Art was a man who knew the 'terror of sin' and could therefore persuade others in the light of his experiential knowledge of God. It was a knowledge of God that did not come cheaply, but was gained in his devotional times with the Lord in the early hours of the day, in his daily prayer times with fellow believers at the Ben Israel Fellowship, in the knit and grit of living in community, in the writings of other believers, and in his close association with believers the world over. 

Art was a prophetic voice insofar as he called his listeners to purposes in God that would affect both time and eternity, purposes that had to do with the glory of God in the Church. Frequently, his messages called the Church to an awareness of the Last Days [End-times] in such a way that made that time seem imminent and at the door. Some called him a forerunner in the sense of a man who cleared the way for others, and who could therefore call back and encourage them onward to the high call of God in Christ Jesus. Though a man of flesh and blood, like us all, Art walked that 'high road,' and one frequently caught a whiff of the fragrance of God, that can only emanate out of that place in God.

Art had the highest regard for the written Word of God; he was eminently the man of the Word. Because of that, he had an equal regard for words in general -- not least the preached word, and abhorred the light use of words, either from the pulpit or in small-talk. Consequently, his preached word, which is the distinguishing characteristic of a true prophet, bore a grace and power to penetrate the hearts of his listeners in ways that frequently brought true conviction and a new, more authentic way of seeing and understanding God.

How to hear the voice of God (2) -- Derek Prince

How to hear the voice of God (1) -- Derek Prince

You can either overcome or be overcome - Derek Prince

Waiting for the return of Jesus Christ - Derek Prince

The job description for apostle and prophet - Derek Prince

Running away from your calling - Derek Prince

Saturday, February 13, 2016

That's My King Dr. S.M. Lockridge - [OFFICIAL]

The Missing Note in Present-Day Preaching - Henry Mahan

The Joy of Giving - Henry Mahan

Six Stubborn Statements - Henry Mahan

Charles Spurgeon Sermon How to Read the Bible full

Do You Know Him? Do you really Know Jesus Christ? (Charles Spurgeon)

The Excellence of the Gospel

The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment

The Glory of Christ - John Owen

More Book Readings:

Temptation by John Owen

The Jerusalem Sinner Saved

The Art of Prophesying

The Doctrine of Repentance

The Saint's Everlasting Rest

Apostasy from the Gospel

Communion with God

The Glory of Christ

The Secret Key to Heaven

The Reformed Pastor

Self-Denial (Richard Baxter)

How to spend the day with God - Richard Baxter

William Gurnall ~ Hold Your Profession Of Truth In The Face Of Danger And Death

Sunday, January 17, 2016

GOD is Great

Where is God ?

Small things What can God do ?

King of Kings


Today's Puritan AUDIO Devotional

Today's Puritan AUDIO Devotional
The drop of water--and a giant being
Charles Spurgeon, very insightful
Play Audio! Download Audio

Do You Realize How Valuable You Are? Derek Prince

Most Christians do not realize their value in God's eyes. What often appears to be humility is simply an inability to understand our standing as a child of God. Learn to see yourself as God sees you—and leave poor self-esteem behind forever.

Dr. Alan Cairns Sermon - The Curse of Using Carnal Methods for God's Work

Charles Spurgeon Sermon - How to Become Full of Joy

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Is he a Brute, is he a Maniac?

Is he a brute? Is he a maniac?

"What will it benefit a man, if he gains the whole world
yet loses his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange
for his soul?" (Matthew 16:26)

Consider what the loss of the soul includes. It is the loss
of everything dear to man as an immortal creature. It is
the loss of Heaven, with all its honors, felicities, and
glories. It is the loss of everything that can contribute
to our eternal happiness.

The loss of the soul includes in it all that is contained in
that dreadful word, Hell. Hell is the eternal endurance
of the wrath of God. It is the coming down of the curse
of the Almighty upon the soul; or rather, it is the falling
of the soul into that curse, as into a lake which burns
with fire and brimstone.

All the tears that ever have been or ever will be shed on
the face of the earth; all the groans that ever have been
or ever will be uttered; all the anguish that ever has been
or ever will be endured by all the inhabitants of the world,
through all the ages of time—do not make up an equal
amount of misery to that which is included in the loss of
one human soul!

Consider that the eternal loss of the soul is not a rare,
but a very common occurrence. The loss of the soul is so
tremendous a catastrophe, that if it happened only once
in a year, or once in a century, so as to render it barely
possible that it should happen to you—it would be reckless
carelessness not to feel some solicitude about the matter!
How much more, then, when, alas! it is an every-day
calamity! So far from its being a rare thing for men to go
to hell—it is a much rarer thing for them to go to heaven!
Our Lord tells us, that the 'road to destruction' is thronged,
while the 'way to life' is traveled by few. Hell opens its
mouth wide and swallows up multitudes in perdition! How
alarming is the idea, and how probable the fact—that you
may be among this number! Some who read these pages
will very likely spend their eternity in hell.

Concern, then, deep concern about the salvation of your
soul, is the most reasonable thing in the world! Can that
man have a soul, or know that he has one, who is careless
about its eternal happiness? Is he a man—or is he a brute?
Is he a rational being—or is he a maniac? Ever walking
on the edge of the precipice that hangs over the bottomless
pit—and not concerned about salvation! Oh, fatal, awful,
destructive indifference!

Look into the bottomless pit—can you be too anxious to
escape its torments? Look into heaven—can you be too
anxious to obtain its glories? Look into eternity—can you
be too anxious to secure immortal life?



This Puritan Devotional has been brought to you by Grace Gems, a treasury of ageless sovereign grace writings.

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An unfailing Spring of Joy and Consolation

By David Harsha

An unfailing spring of joy and consolation! "O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my every thought when far away. You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment you know where I am. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord. You both precede and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to know!" Psalm 139:1-6

Jesus has a perfect knowledge of every event
that is transpiring in the remotest part of His
mighty empire. Heaven, earth, and hell, are all
unveiled before Him. His eyes, which are as a
flame of fire, are in every place, beholding the
evil and the good. He knows perfectly well what
is the present inclination of our minds; whether
our hearts are absorbed with the empty pleasures
of earth, or whether we love Him supremely.

This is an unfailing spring of joy and consolation
for the real Christian. How inspiring to feel that
we have a Savior who knows all our needs; whose
eye is ever upon us for good; whose ear is always
opened to our petitions. 'For the eyes of the Lord
watch over the righteous, and His ears are open
to their prayers.'

Come then, you afflicted, tempest tossed child
of earth, and lay all your sorrows before an
omniscient and compassionate Savior!

Make all your desires known to Him.

He has....
a willing ear to hear you,
a willing heart to love you,
a willing hand to save you!

"O Omniscient Savior, we beseech You to watch
over us amid all the scenes of earth. We are still
on the 'ocean of life', exposed to its storms and
its tempests; but while the waves dash on every
side of us, may we see Your glorious Form on the
troubled sea; may we hear Your animating voice,
'Be of good cheer; it is I; do not be afraid.' May
we rejoice in the belief that You know all things,
and are intimately acquainted with all our ways.
Guide us with Your counsel. Show us the path of
life. Be our guiding Star until we reach the harbor
of eternal rest. Be very near us in all the
wanderings of our earthly pilgrimage."


This Puritan Devotional has been brought to you by Grace Gems, a treasury of ageless sovereign grace writings.

Please visit us at, where you can browse and freely download thousands of choice books, sermons, and quotes, along with select audio messages.

No donations accepted.

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A Seasonable Prescription

by James Smith, 1860

As we Christians advance in life, and know more of human nature, and the power of temptation — the greater interest should we take in the young, and the more urgently should we seek their salvation. It is a lovely sight to see aged Christians endeavoring to bring young people to the Savior. And this we ought constantly to see — for they know the power . . .
of youthful lusts,
of the world's attractions,
of Satanic influence,
of the deceitfulness of the heart,
and the value of the immortal soul!

Aged friends, do you feel and act, as you should for the young? Do you do all that you can to snatch them as brands from the burning?

Solomon was an old man when he wrote the book of Ecclesiastes, and in that book he manifests great solicitude for the young. Again and again he addresses them in different ways — but with what touching and subtle irony, does he speak to them in one place, "Be happy, young man, while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see. BUT KNOW that for all these things — God will bring you to judgment!" Ecclesiastes 11:9

The Youth's Practice. He is happy in his youth — in his physical vigor, personal attractions, and newly acquired liberty. Feeling strong, he puts the day of judgment far from him. Vain of his person — he is proud of his appearance and abilities. Freed from the restraints of home — he removes the reins from the neck of his lusts. His heart cheers him on — and urges him forward in the pursuit of folly! He walks in the way of his heart — which is always evil. He is ignorant of its powers of deception. He is therefore deceived by the corrupt principles that work within it. He hushes his conscience to sleep, or by violence constrains it to be silent.

He then yields to the alluring influence of the world. And while so doing, Satan tempts him to proceed farther and farther — plotting his eternal damnation!

He does what he thinks best in his own eyes — allowing them to mislead him. He walks by sight — not according to God's Word. He is led away by appearances, and despises the counsel and example of the godly. He refuses to listen to, or be guided by the advice of parents. He despises, or slights, the preacher's admonition, and will be a law unto himself. He chooses vain people for his companions, and follows the example of the foolish! Let us now listen to,

The Preacher's Prescription. "Be happy, young man, while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see. BUT know that for all these things — God will bring you to judgment!"

Take your own course — if you are determined.

Go on in the way which you prefer — if you think it best.

Persevere in the path that you have chosen.

BUT KNOW that there is an end to your course — and that end is a judgment!

The judgment day is fixed — and it is therefore certain.

The judge stands at the door — it is therefore near.

The dead, small and great, shall stand before God — it is therefore universal.

Every one of us shall give account of himself before God — it is therefore personal.

Before this final judgment, shall be gathered all nations — it will therefore be open and public.

God will judge in justice and uprightness — it will therefore be righteous.

It will be the great day, the last day — and will therefore be final.

"BUT KNOW that for all these things — God will bring you to judgment!"

You will not be able to escape!

You will not be overlooked or forgotten!

You will be personally summoned — and there will be no evading!

Death will arrest and cast you into prison. From thence, the angels will bring you out — and Jesus will judge you! For "He has set a day when He is going to judge the world in righteousness, by the Man He has appointed!" Acts 17:31

Young man! Young woman! To you is this word of solemn admonition sent! See how many young people are being called away by death! Fatal diseases and accidents — how common. Sudden deaths — how frequent. It is very probable that God may soon call for YOU! How necessary then that you be ready, for death very often gives but a short notice — or no notice! God . . .
warns you by His providence;
He directs you in His Word;
He invites you by His ministers;
and He will judge you by His Son!

Whenever therefore you are tempted to indulge in any unholy amusement or practice, remember these words: "BUT KNOW that for all these things — God will bring you to judgment!"

Hiding Place

Performed by Mark Webb, pastor and Senior Elder at Grace Bible Church of Olive Branch, MS.

Hail, sovereign love which first began,
The scheme to rescue fallen man!
Hail, matchless, free, eternal grace,
Which gave my soul a hiding place!

Against the God who rules the sky,
I fought with hand uplifted high!
Despised the notion of His grace,
Too proud to seek a hiding place!

Enwrapt in thick Egyptian night,
And fond of darkness more than light!
Madly I ran the sinful race,
Secure without a hiding place!

But thus the eternal counsel ran:
"Almighty love--arrest that man!"
I felt the arrows of distress,
And found I had no hiding place!

Indignant Justice stood in view;
To Sinai's fiery mount I flew!
But Justice cried, with frowning face,
"This mountain is no hiding place!"

E'er long, a heavenly voice I heard,
And Mercy's angel soon appeared;
He led me on with gentle pace,
To Jesus as my hiding place!

Should sevenfold storms of thunder roll,
And shake the earth from pole to pole;
No thunder bolt could daunt my face,
For Jesus is my hiding place!

On Him almighty vengeance fell,
That would have sunk a world to hell!
He bore it for the chosen race,
And thus became their hiding place!

A few more rolling suns at most,
Shall land me on fair Canaan's coast;
Where I shall sing the song of grace,
And see my glorious Hiding Place!

Desiring God

(Thomas Watson, "The Lord's Prayer")

We may know the kingdom of grace is set up in
our hearts—by having true desires after God. By
the beating of this pulse—we conclude there is life.

A true desire after God is sincere. We desire God for
Himself, for His intrinsic excellencies. The savor of the
ointment of Christ's graces draws the virgins' desires after
Him. Canticles 1:3. A true saint desires Him not only for
what God has—but for what He is; not only for His rewards
—but for His holiness. No hypocrite can thus desire God.
He may desire Him for His jewels—but not for His beauty!

A true desire after God is insatiable. It cannot be satisfied
without God; let the world heap her honors and riches—they
will not satisfy. No flowers or music will content him who is
thirsty. Just so, nothing will quench the soul's thirst—but the
blood of Christ! He faints away, his heart breaks with longing
for God. Psalm 84:2; Psalm 119:20.

A true desire after God is active. It flourishes into endeavor.
"With my soul have I desired you in the night; yes, with my
spirit within me will I seek you early." Isaiah 26:9. A soul that
desires aright says, "I must have Christ! I must have grace!
I must have heaven, though I take it by storm!"

A true desire after God is supreme. We desire Christ, not
only more than the world—but more than heaven! "Whom
have I in heaven but You?" Psalm 73:25. Heaven itself would
not satisfy—without Christ. Christ is the diamond in the ring
of glory!

A true desire after God is increasing. A little of God will not
satisfy—but the pious soul desires still more. A drop of water
is not enough for the thirsty traveler. Though a Christian is
thankful for the least degree of grace—yet he is not satisfied
with the greatest degree of grace. He still thirsts for more of
Christ, and His Spirit. A saint would have more knowledge,
more sanctity, more of Christ's presence. A glimpse of Christ
through the lattice of an ordinance is sweet; but the soul will
never stop longing—until it sees Him face to face! It desires to
have grace perfected in glory! It desires to be wholly plunged
into the sweetness of God. We would be swallowed up in God,
and be forever bathing ourselves in those perfumed waters of
pleasure, which run at His right hand!

Surely this sincere desire after God is a blessed sign that the
kingdom of grace has come into our hearts. The beating of
this pulse shows life! "Desires for God—are from God." If iron
moves upwards contrary to its nature—it is a sign some magnet
has been drawing it. Just so, if the soul moves towards God in
sincere desires—it is a sign the magnet of the Spirit has been
drawing it!

The Mind of God